Newsletters 2021

Welcome's to our 2nd edition for April 2021.
Ndi ebe kanye, gee nti! - Welcome my melanin rich people, listen up! April 2021 2nd edition has updates on our inspiring activities brought to you from Shanti-Chi. Spring is in full swing with the bluebells making a welcome magical appearance in an ancient woodland. They call for our attention. READ ON...

Welcome's to our edition for April 2021.
Ndi ebe kanye, gee nti! - Welcome my melanin rich people, listen up! April 2021 edition has great news & inspiring activities brought to you from Shanti-Chi. Spring is budding, opening, flowering & the bluebells are calling. Join in with our amazing outdoor opportunities, excitement & adventure with zoom talks, performances, walks & annual storytelling retreat.

“Trees have Spirits"
Griot Chinyere March 2021 edition
Ndeewunu - Welcome to our March 2021 edition of Shanti-Chi newsletter. We have night walks, day walks, tales from tree spirit and family retreats. Come nurture self-love, know the trees and reconnect to nature. Trees have spirits too is our short FREE online Zoom gathering.

“40% Discount ends this Friday"
Griot Chinyere February 2021 edition
Ndeewunu - Welcome Spaces are limited. Catch it this time. Get your earlybird. This melanin rich story will inform, empower and enrich our family values. Come reclaim our heritage. Our early bird discount allows you to receive 40% off the 5 day passes. Book now! Offer ends Friday 5th February 2021 at midnight!

“ HAPPY NEW YOU - Shout out loud!
"Griot Chinyere January 2021 edition
Ndeewunu - Welcome's to our January edition of Shanti-Chi newsletter. A new year is only a new year if we are determined to transform & develop a new eye, with self-love to get this revolution started. Yes we have nearly sold out of early birds for Nne Agwu Afrakan Storytelling family retreat 2021.
Newsletters 2020

“Sssshhhout it out loud"
Griot Chinyere December 2020 edition
Read on for dates and links. Spaces are limited and we sold out last time. Catch it this time. Get your earlybird, tickets go on general sale today Tuesday 1st December 2020. This melanin rich story we affirm will inform, empower and enrich you and your family,
“Afrakan Storytelling Family Retreat 2021 "
Griot Chinyere November 2020 edition
Stories from the village with Griot Chinyere on Galaxyafiwe.com every Tuesday 2pm to 4pm, the only debrainwashing station. "I am because we are, because we are therefore I am". The Feminine Melanin walking training funded by the Groundworks is fully booked with a waiting list. You need to be quick off the mark.

“Feminine Melanin Walking "
Griot Chinyere October 2020 3rd edition
ILook out for Feminine Melanin walking a FREE training funded by the Groundworks . Training taking place in nature to nurture feminine well-being with many gift including new walking boots for each participants. Of course you must complete the training.

“Melanin rich is the great gift"
Griot Chinyere October 2020 2nd edition
It is that time of year again, where we allow other cultures to be part of our celebration of us: the melanin rich story and our spiritual origins. This newsletter outlines a number of events involving Griot Chinyere this month, find details below. They are either free and or very reasonably priced. Come and reclaim your culture.

“Melanin rich is the great gift"
Griot Chinyere October 2020
Thank you to all you wonderful people for your video testimonies about your amazing experience at the Nne Agwu Storytelling 4 day Family Retreat 2020. If you still want to make a contribution please feel free to email me at info@shanti-chi.com. Listen to already submitted video testimonies.

“Nne Agwu Storytelling Retreat After Party"
Griot Chinyere September 2020
What an amazing experience the Nne Agwu Storytelling 4 day Family Camp Retreat was from Friday 28th August to Tuesday 1st September 2020. We honoured our sister, mother, aunty, cousin, friend storyteller, artists, poet divine being Nne Dimela Yekwai. We called her name, we remembered her spirit, we shared her work and laughed as though she were amongst us tell us one of her stories. Her spirit flew around and above us. This year was truly magical.

“Nne Agwu Storytelling retreat details"
Griot Chinyere August 2020 2nd edition
This event is SOLD TO CAPACITY! We are sorry that some of you missed out. We give thanks to everyone who supported our work, our progress, our ups and our downs our doubts and our commitment. Please continue as we need you to do so for evolution and growth. We dislike having to say no. Can you please get ready for next year. Just put your money aside and book your days off work as soon as you you know the dates.

“Calling Market Traders"
Griot Chinyere August 2020
The Nne Agwu Afrakan Storytelling retreat will venerate our family values & the principals of Ubuntu as we honour the legacy of both grassroots and nationally acclaimed oral traditionalists: Dimela Yekwai, Baba Adesose Wallace, Tony Morrison & community activist Dougie Williams.

“Nne Agwu Storytelling 4 day Camping Retreat"
Griot Chinyere July 2020 2nd edition
“It is with great pleasure We announce – the Nne Agwu Afrakan Storytelling retreat, taking place from Friday 28th August – Tuesday 1st September 2020. Please join us!” Griot Chinyere. Numbers are limited to 50 In one week 40% of tickets sold. Avoid disappointment get your ticket. What we going to eat to feed our mind body and soul, that is tasty yummy and good for us? Award winning kyles Healthy Choices

“Melanin Rich indigenous community Nurture their Nature"
Griot Chinyere July 2020
Before covid19 this was to be the last Nne Agwu gathering. A great time to stop on the 10th anniversary. It was all systems go for the grand finale and then …BAM! Stopped bruptly. For a while that was it…No gathering. After many calls from members of the community the decision was taken to give the people what they want and need.

“Zoom link for storytelling performance"
Griot Chinyere May 2020
To honour the journey of self-actualisation through the art of the oral tradition of storytelling Griot Chinyere, artistic director of Shanti-Chi and founder of the Nne Agwu Festival, runs a number of programmes throughout the year: Free spirit night walks, Annual storytelling festivals, The griot way storytelling training, Introduction to storytelling. Tell a friend and encourage them to join the mailing list so they also can be updated on the magic of us!!!

“storytelling performance"
Griot Chinyere May 2020
We have been living in a day dream where the sun has been shining but we have been told to stay indoors, we have been filled with fear because some virus is running loose but none of the official advise has been to build the immune system, eat well, stay hydrated, avoid processed food, hospitals, pharmaceutical drugs, sugar and other such things that attack the immune system leaving us prone to confusion.

“A time to find harmony within"
Griot Chinyere March 2020
We are entering the equinox energy vibration where day light and darkness are of equal measures. A time of rebirth and new growth. A time to balance the feminine and the masculine. A time to find harmony within self and with others. A time to take stock of the 2020 vision and put it to good use. It is time for our awakening. Our imagination is the most powerful tool we have in our armoury for survival.

“We clear, we cleanse the path for 2020 vision"
Griot Chinyere February 2020
In celebration of our the Nne Agwu storytelling festival 10th anniversary we have designed a treasure hunt which starts in March until May, we will give clues via our social media once a week helping people find the site for the lost diaspora village. There will be 12 clues and each clue will get you closer and closer to your destination. Get the whole family involved. The first 4 people to discover the identity of the festival will win one of our fantastic prizes...
Newsletters 2019

“You guide us on the liberating solstice path"
Griot Chinyere December 2019
This is solstice where we have the shortest day of the year. We learn to embrace the darkness of our melanin and apply our imagination for healing and well-being. The solstice is when the sun appears to stand still before it turns to move in its counter direction. It is a sacred time of reflection before the awakening. It is darkest before it is dawn. It is the perfect time during these cold times to go within and seek solace. It is a fruitful darkness and a peaceful silence out of which our soul's yearnings and new inspirations will emerge.

I call to you, I connect with you, I am you!
Griot Chinyere October 2019
This is ancestral honouring month and we celebrate our ancestral rituals, stories, themes, characters, traditions & ceremonies. This month and the next are when the veil between the physical and the spiritual world is at its thinnest. Let's use this time to connect and reconnect with our ancient wisdom. To trust in Chineke the divine creator and our ancestors, who are ready to support our rise when we are ready to shine.

Give me the light of your Wisdom
Griot Chinyere September 2019
I, Griot Chinyere, would like to introduce, encourage the term "melanin rich" a phrase I coined as an affirmative way to describe my appearance. For I am not a colour, I am not dirty, I was not left in the oven too long. I am rich with melanin. I have been kissed by the sun. My skin glows like gold. The sunlight activates my melanin.

Nourish me with your goodness
Griot Chinyere July 2019
The officer explains to the old white lady, she has been reported for racism. She denies it. I remind her of the earlier incident, regarding her dog. She denies raising her voice or speaking to me in an aggressive manner. As though butter would not melt in her mouth she says, “Oh no I didn’t do that.” Incredible, all our jaws drop at the blatancy of the lie.

Let go and let your spirit be free!
Griot Chinyere June 2019
Osiris asks as any reporter might, “Why you being racist?” She replies, “I am not, I just think you shouldn’t be here in the woods”. He asks again “Why you being racists?” She replies, “You shouldn’t have a fire in the woods, its dangerous”. He asks again “Why you being racist? She takes the bait and screams,

Affirm what you need!
Griot Chinyere May 2019
I give thanks with an extra smile in my heart, skip in my step, love in my spirit and welcome from my soul, to Mafdat Akeba & Khanum Atun Ka Khafre for the birth of our Nne Agwu Afrakan Storytelling Festival baby girl - Shayay(Controller of luck & destiny) Kesandu (Spreader of life) Afi (female born of Friday) Coubry (Lion) Peters (Rocks). I give thanks to the village that will raise her. Isé Isé Isé yo!

Melanin rich is the great gift
Griot Chinyere April 2019
We, the Nne Agwu management committee and founder Griot Chinyere Artistic Director carried out our Annual General Meeting Thursday 28th February 2019 at Deptford Lounge, Giffin Street, London SE8 4RJ, from 6.30 - 8.30pm. We shared with our esteemed members the work of our last 12 months and also the vision of the next 12 months. If you would like to read our annual report you can do so here.

Nne Agwu AGM!
Griot Chinyere February 2019
Great uprising divine melanin rich soul family. Happy February which symbolizes piety, humility, spiritual wisdom, and sincerity. We aim to fine tune our creative power, inner strength, and infinite potential. We are gearing up to our Annual General Meeting Thursday 28th February 2019 at Deptford Lounge, Giffin Street, London SE8 4RJ, from 6.30 - 8.30pm. Come meet the Nne Agwu management committee and founder Griot Chinyere also Artistic Director for Shanti-Chi.

Feminine Rise Return!
Griot Chinyere January 2019
Great uprising divine melanin rich soul family. Happy solstice, Happy new year, Happy new moon Happy full moon, Happy happy! since last we communicated The feminine rise solstice Ghana retreat has happened. Wow what a journey. I give thanks to Chineke for taking and returning us all in good physical health. I give thanks for the lessons, I give thanks for the people I met, I give thanks for Mother Africa. I give thanks for the love and support. I give thanks for my children and their patience for one another,
Newsletters 2018

Libation 4 Liberation!
Griot Chinyere November 2018
I thank you for your presence and contribution to what is now becoming a sacred celebration Libation for Liberation from dusk until dawn. On arriving into the ancient forest the Griot chanted a deep and spiritual mantra that invited positive universal energies to surround the event. After which she built a fire to welcome the anticipated melanin rich spirits to the space. The fire ensures we remain warm throughout the night and serve as a place to cook our food and share our love.

Giving Thanks To Our Ancestors!
Griot Chinyere October 2018
October, is a month of activity and endless opportunity with great rewards if seized upon. October is a month where the saying ” What goes around comes around” rings true, a karmic spiritual energy of correcting wrongs and doing rights. October is the month we give thanks to our ancestors for their protection and guidance. In the giving thanks we find the fight and spirit within us to consciously wish ourselves a better healthier happier life.

October Free Spirit
Griot Chinyere September 2018
Lets buy land because we are here. And here many of us shall remain. We were here first. Any where you choose to think of in the world we were here first before any other group of people. We are the first nation people of the world and we are the ancestral guardians of the land, world wide. We are failing in our purpose. That being the case then think about being land owners or enabling others of us to be land owners. The melanin rich community are people of the land. We need to be connected to the land. The oral tradition is our heritage and it needs land to thrive and strive.

Griot Chinyere August 2018
Oh my divine! The festival has come, the opening ceremony was anointed by the Alushi Amadioha (deity of thunder & lightening). Amadioha concurred loud and clearly with lightening and thunder as I, Griot Chinyere, asked for guidance and protection from Chineke the divine womb of creation. We were initiated into the Nne Agwu village lifestyle promising to honour the core values or Shanti-Chi:

Griot Chinyere July 2018
Oh my divine! where has the time gone? We have 25 days!!! People are you ready? I know you were born ready! Ready to be great. Ready to step out of your comfort zone. Ready to develop your best self. Ready to rise and shine! Ready to attend the Nne Agwu Afrakan Storytelling Festival 27th - 30th July 2018 at Bears Wood Campsite. If you are not ready get ready. I have inserted a number of click here links to help you get ready.

Griot Chinyere June 2018
Yes we tasted the Magic: listened to stories discussed the moral and the meaning, laughed and joked, celebrated our culture and heritage, we patronised our entrepreneurs, ate healthy food and sat around a fire framed by trees and covered with a blanket of starts. The time for the Magic fast approaches. Are you ready? ONLY 67 days before the Opening Ceremony of the Nne Agwu Afrakan Storytelling Festival 27th - 30th July 2018.

Griot Chinyere May 2018
There is a rumour going around that says we melanin rich people are unnatural, we do not like the outdoors, we are aliens and belong in the city. That we can find all we need on a supermarket shelf. Well I don't know about you but I am not buying into that rumour. We love nature; being amongst the trees, litsening to the birds, hearing the ocean, feeling the air on our face and the sun in our hearts. Our lungs especially like clean air, every cell in our body full joys the tingle of Mother nature and all the healing she has to offfer.

Griot Chinyere April 2018
International women's month, a time to show love for the energy that is feminine. To show respect for our creator, to honour the melanin feminine rich energy of the universe! This energy for the most part has been responsible for protecting us, feeding us, teaching us and guiding us as we walk our path of purpose.

Meditation Time
Griot Chinyere March 2018
Affirming you full joyed the magic of the snow. It came fast a furious. I went to bed to darkness and woke up to blankets of snow settled on the ground. My 23 year old daughter excitedly urged me to follow her outside to emerse ourselves in the snow as we did when she was a child and have done every time the chance comes around. We walked in Greenwich park and inhaled the beauty of this translucent element.

Affirmation Time
Griot Chinyere February 2018
This is the dawning of a new day. So far we have seen a blue moon, a super moon, and lunar eclipse all on one day, 31st January 2018. The powerful energies of the universe continue to caress us with its magic. During these times it is important to have clarity, to vision in detail and be guided by feminine energy. It is affirmation time!

Six Day Expedition Walk
Griot Chinyere January 2018
Griot Chinyere, a trained and experience expedition leader, annually organises a walk ranging between 50 and 100 miles over 5 to 10 days along the south coast of England. Join the next expedition walk of 6 days starting from Weymouth and walking in an eastly direction. The walk is a place to build our boldness, elegance and self-esteem. Its a place to face challenges, develop stamina and overcome fears. The purpose is to reclaim a presence on the land, remember our ancestral heritage and walk our path of purpose.
Newsletters 2017

Feminine Rise Retreats
Griot Chinyere December 2017
The Feminine rise annual retreat is a 3 day equinox programme utilising ancestral knowledge and wisdom to heal mind, body and spirit. It draws upon the ancient feminine art of Chigwa: Join kindred sister spirits in a cosy cottage in the English countryside, weaving healing tales of power and magic. Read course curriculum online!

Solstice Love
Griot Chinyere November 2017
This December, I am taking a small group of sistars on a feminine rise retreat in the English countryside to face and over come fears. We will be in silence for the most part, we will be on a fruit smoothie fast and we will be practicing chigwa. I am excited and looking forward. Not to worry if you missed this one you will have another chance to be part of the feminine rise retreat in 16-18th March 2018. See you all on the other side and read all about it in next months issue.

Celebrate being an Original
Griot Chinyere October 2017
We have had a great month of celebrating the indigenous people of the world known as melanin rich widely known as Black people some say BME. Original Peoples History Month – an international annual month, celebrating, recognising and valuing the inspirational individuals and events from within the indigenous people of the world communities...

Quick Shout Out
Click here for the Shanti-Chi annual brochure.
Griot Chinyere September 2017
Our next event - The magical Free Spirit Night Ramble - embrace your fears with love
Our land
Let us be rooted - Shanti-Chi are now making positive plans to acquire land...

SPECIAL EDITION 2 Nne Agwu storytelling festival
Griot Chinyere August 2017
Ndeewu Griots and Storytelling lovers to Special editon 2 focuses on the Nne Agwu Afrakan Storytellig Festival 2017. Our purpose is to reclaim a presence on the land and remember our ancestors as we create a place of healing, well being and community; a place to build confidence, to connect to self esteem & work towards self actualization by developing a creative arts industry using the oral tradition of Afrakan storytelling.... Once upon a time many moons and infinite moments ago, a message comes from Chineke, the divine womb of creation, and sits on the temple of the Griot imagination.

SPECIAL EDITION sponsored walk!
Griot Chinyere July 2017
Ndeewu to this special editon of the Shanti-Chi newsletter where I will be giving an insight and sharing tales from this years 8 day sponsored walk. Myself, Griot Chinyere and two member of the festival's mannagement committee, Itricia and Akeba took this walk along the Jurrassic coast, a World Heritage site that spans 185 million years of geological history. Our purpose was to reclaim a presence on the land and remember our ancestors.

What's happening now? Wow!
Griot Chinyere June 2017
Great Uprising yes the time has come. We are finally leaving Tuesday 4th July 2017 for our sponsored walk along the Jurassic coast Dorset. The date had to change and we thank you for your patience. Griot Chinyere will lead Itricia and Akeba on their first sponsored walking expedition. It has been a journey to get to this point. We have our walking boots, rucksack, tent, compass, map and train ticket to take us to the start point Exmouth. We will do some of our food shopping on the day before leaving and some along the way. We will pass through small towns, villages and the wilderness. ..

Ndeewu Griots and Storytellers
Griot Chinyere May 2017
Kedu and Welcome to another edition of the Shanti-Chi newsletter where we focus on information regarding the preservation, promotion and celebration of the oral tradition of the ancient art of storytelling. A griot is a historian, storyteller, divine chanter, poet and or musician. The griot is a repository of oral tradition, bringer of messages, guardian of the past, keeper of rituals, Mother of ceremony and is often seen as a healer and societal leader. As a result she is sometimes also called a visionary. The Griot must have the ability to extemporize on current events, comment on chance incidents and improvise in the moment.

Get your Early-Bird
Griot Chinyere April 2017
Shanti-Chi are proud to announce our successful Arts Council England funding application - to engage non mainstream African and African Caribbeans of the diaspora in storytelling, in festival going and in developing creative well-being. You maybe the target audience or you may know the target audience. Shanti-Chi ask for your support to enable reaching the target audience: A non-traditional, non-mainstream audience from the melanin rich community compiled of young people, single parents, family groups & elders...

Pre-Festival Gathering
Griot Chinyere March 2017
Last Month we talked about our ambition to walk 96 miles along the Jurassic Coast Dorset a designated and signed long-distance footpath. What would posses anyone to walk dem long distances? It being an outstandingly beautiful part of the England and in fact the world is one. Others: The desire to ensure that the Nne Agwu Afrakan Storytelling Festival happens Friday 28th - Monday 31st July 2017; The desire to follow the call of my ancestors by promoting; preserving and celebrating the oral traditions of Afrakan storytelling;

The Vizions
Girot Chinyere February 2017
Here at Shanti-Chi we are preparing for an exciting year ahead as we work with and for the community. This months newsletter is focused on our up and coming sponsored walk. Some of you may recall Griot Chinyere doing a solo 100 mile sponsored walk along the south down way stretching from Eastbourne to Winchester in 2015. Well this time she will be leading a team of 6, committeed to stepping out of their comfort zone to embark upon a new adventure to return with exciting melanin rich stories from along the Jurassic coast while raising money.

Night Walks
Griot Chinyere january 2017
HAPPY NEW YEAR and Divine Prosperity as we walk guided by our spirit in 2017. Shanti-Chi will continue to be the number one Afrakan storytelling company in Europe recognised for their work in the community. This newsletter will be full of titbits about storytelling, the oral traditions, and the benefits of outdoor lifestyle, focusing on the activities we at Shanti-Chi run...