Greetings divine ones,
I, Griot Chinyere, am overwhelmed at the powerful responses and feedback received from you with regard the Nne Agwu Storytelling Festival 2015. It is a vision, I, have been been holding and nurturing for a number of years! A vision given to me by the Nne Agwu the mother of wisdom Alusi (Orisha). It is a slow organic build up. There is much that was successful with this year and there is much to learn. There have been many people behind and in front of the scenes supporting the process. Please forgive me if your name is not here and you feel it ought to be. Let me know!. It is all good, much love!
I give thanks and blessings for the dawning of the Nne Agwu storytelling festival, for the beauty in truth and the truth in beauty.

I give thanks to:
My ancestors, my spirit guides
The Divine Creator
Nne Ala and Nne Agwu
Ashanti Hoyte - Secretary
Nefateri Asentewa - Treasurer
Sandra Agard - Chair
Nkechinyere Nwobani-Akanwo
Chukwuxavier Nwobani-Akanwo
Featured Artists, workshop leaders and drummers
in order of appearance
Eli Anderson
Amantha Edmead
Amra Anderson
Sandra Agard
Usifu Jalloh
Debden House Canpsite Management
Remi Amuzu
Carl and the Asentewa children
Sistar E – Calabash Hub
Cheryl Phoenix – Black Links
Galaxy Radio - Only debrainwashing station
Kwame, Ayo, Dr Abu, Bongo Teteh, Sister Culture
Bradley and Chloe brother and sister act Volunteers
Theo Castilio
Siayome Hudson
Conscious Radio - DJ Supreme, Kandake
Real Music.com - Eboney Re, Posse Bless, Nkechi Abeng,
Power Xtra - Master Mo, Stella, Nat Nye
Stationfm - The Kandie Shack
Johnny’s DIY Deptford High Road
Rabuka online magazine ibuka.uk
All the sponsors who supported Griot Chinyere’s
100 mile sponsored walk Spiritually, Financially and Emotionally
Nia Amani - NABSS
...And you the festival participants
The Nne Agwu Storytelling Festival has been invited by Debden campsite to book for next year, which is a good sign and an opportunity to develop relationships. The Storytelling festival has been invited to Ghana and we would like to take you all with us. This festival is part of a bigger project. Please read further. Before that happens we need to grow. We need dedicated management committee members, expertise in fundraising, project management, customer relations and general on site support. We intend to train young people so we have ones to pass the festival onto. Please be a part of history and step forward to help the Nne Agwu Storytelling Festival evolve. See you at the next gathering Friday 29th - Sunday 31st July 2016!