Twilight leadership walks

The dawning of bold leadership
The twilght leadership walk is a leadership experience with a difference. Aspiring and established leaders who wish to reconnect with their purpose are invited to complete a walk that begins at twilight and ends at night. Each route is carefully selected to enable participants to step out of their comfort zone and expand their leadership zone while utilising the natural resources of the night. The walk will include a courageous conversation at the fireside where leaders hold themselves and each other accountable for their future behaviour.
The twilght leadership walks are informed by the latest research on leadership development and are highly effective both as stand-alone activities and alongside institutional interventions.
The twilight leadership walks last for approximately four hours and include the following:
Meet at the designated point
Walking etiquette
Opening circle
Twilight walk (silent contemplation)
Fire lighting
Challenging Fire side conversation
Night time walk (consideration)
Prepare for a bold new dawn (Action plan)
Closing circle
Twilight leadership walkers can expect to:
Link the leaderships roots of their past to the leadership routes of their future
(Re)discover hidden strengths and talents – no torches or phones allowed!
Develop the confidence to take control of their leadership trajectory
Trust in their own ability to overcome external barriers to leadership
Articulate their leadership vision with clarity, commitment and passion
Feel invigorated by the night time environment
Who is this for?
Due to their underrepresentation in the workplace, Dusk to Dawn was created for melanin-rich (typically referred to as “BAME”) academic staff, professional services staff, corporate employees or volunteers currently in leadership roles or looking to secure a leadership role.
Grot Chinyere, internationally renowned storyteller, facilitator & expedition leader
Jannett Morgan, leadership development trainer and coach
Groups Size:
Minimum of 12 and maximum of 18 participants.
We welcome bookings from individuals or groups (for groups of 6 plus, discounts availbale)
There are two levels of nightwalk:
DARE TO LEAD (for aspiring or newly appointed leaders):
Cost: £60.00 per person per night walk
Date: Friday 3rd November 2017 - once fully booked another date will be made available
BOLDLY LEAD (for senior leaders):
Cost: £85.00 per person per night walk
Date: Friday 12th January 2018 - once fully booked another date will be made available
Location: Oxleas Woods, Crown Woods Lane SE18 3JA (Under the sign board by the house on Crown lane)
Meet time: 7.00pm
What to wear: Loose clothing, 2-3 layers, hat, scarf, gloves, walking shoes/boots, socks
What to bring: rucksack for a light snack, spare clothing, plastic bags and first aid kit
We can not wait for late comers. It is impossible to find people in the woods unless you know where you are going! Do yourself a favour, give yourself plenty of time to arrive at meeting place. Better to arrive early. Prepare food and clothes the night before. Please do not call after the walk begins on the day as forest reception is often ineffective.
Bring drinking water, fresh fruits, salads and veg, dried fruits, nuts generally seeds and healthy snacks. Bring Food to share! Please AVOID crisps, sugary sweets, meats, diary or fizzy drinks as these foods affect our ability to focus and concentrate.

African storytelling, festivals, performances, griot, oral traditions, workshops, training, consultancy, outdoor expeditions, ramble

Prepare for the worst and expect the best!
Wear loose clothing and 2 or more layers, top and bottom, depending on the weather. It is better to wear clothes a little too big than too tight. The warm air you generate when walking gets trapped in between the layers so when you stop moving for any reason there is a heat supply to keep you warm until you move again. unless we have the sun. It is more effective to wear many layers rather than one big layer. Bring scarf, gloves and spare socks. Wear clothes that allow you to be free. Jeans and corduroy can become heavy when wet and restrict your movemet when dry! It helps to bring a waterproof jacket and trousers.
Wear footwear that will allow you comfort for the duration of the walk about 2 hours. Walking shoes, walking sandals, walking boots or a good pair of wellington boots with a good pair of socks. It is all about staying warm, dry and comfortable.
Our feet get used an awful lot, but we neglect to stretch and exercise them. Five simple exercises that don't take time and you can do sitting at a computer, on a bus or train journey, in the woods, etc. for just 5 minutes to ensure happy feet for walking everyday -
1. Stand with your feet parallel, shoulder length apart. Slowly peel one foot off the ground starting with the heal, working your way to the toes, until it is just the tip of the toe on the ground. Then in reverse slowly push your foot back onto the ground until the whole foot is evenly distributed. Do the same with other foot. repeat 4 times. 2. Place a ball (tennis ball size) under your foot, making sure every part of your foot makes contact with the ball. Either do one foot at a time or sit down and do both feet together. 3. Flex and point your feet. 4. Turn your feet at the ankle, in both directions 9 times each way. 5. At the end of your day give your feet a massage with nice smelling oils such as lavender, rose, ylang ylang, If you don't have oils just simple give them a loving rub.
The kind of bag you carry is important to your comfort. I know it is just a couple of hours but it is wise to get into good habits when walking. That way the transition from half a day to all day to a whole weekend and longer walks become easier. A good size rucksack, with wide padded shoulder traps, wide padded waist strap and back padding. This means you can carry your food, spare clothes, spare socks, plastic bags, something to sit on and first aid kit with comfort.
For cleaning cuts, preventing insect bites and / or treating insect bites furnish yourself with essential oils; Lavender, Tea tree, St John's wort oil, lemon grass. Its always useful to have water, cotton wool, tissues and or baby wipes